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Inline commands

You can use inline commands in any chat by typing @MahiruShiinaBot command: arguments in the text field. Not all commands have inline versions because of Telegram limitations.


There are some restrictions applied to inline commands, for example, you can not upload files in imgtotext command or use conversation: true in gpt command.

In the table below you can see all nuances for all commands.

Common commands

Command Inline mode Nuances and limitations
anime -
animelist -
end -
game -
gif Mahiru will remember the gifs you use most and they will appear at the top next time you use this command.
gpt Conversations are not supported.
help -
imgtotext No ability to upload a file. Only url to the image.
manga -
mangalist -
nsfw Mahiru will remember the images you use most and they will appear at the top next time you use this command.
song Music video button is not present.
video -
waifu -
waifunsfw -

Genshin commands

Command Inline mode Nuances and limitations
genshin_abyss -
genshin_check -
genshin_exploration -
genshin_characters -
genshin_notes -
genshin_profile -
genshin_redeem -
genshin_tcg -
genshin_teapot -